What is Bromine?
Bromine (Br) is a naturally occurring chemical element that is used, along other pool chemicals, to sanitize recreational water in order to protect swimmers from contaminants such as bacteria, parasites, algae, and viruses.
Most people think of green or cloudy pools when they think of low sanitation in their pools (or spas), but improperly treated water can allow germs such as E. coli and Salmonella to flourish and pose serious health risks for swimmers.
Germs are introduced into pools (and spas) by various methods, two most common being bodily fluids (perspiration, saliva, mucus, and urine), and insects or pests.
It’s time to go back to the periodic table of elements and the redox reaction from school.
Bromine is a reactive non-metal and is a red-brown liquid at room temperature that evaporates readily to form a similarly coloured gas halogen gas. It has a strong oxidizing potential, which is why it is so effective as a disinfectant.
Bromine acts by attacking cell walls and destroying the enzymes and structures inside the cells of germs, which in turn kills the nasty microorganisms that can ruin your pool (or spa) experience.
Once bromine combines with contaminants it stays active and isn’t burned off like combined chlorine is, which in turn means it takes less bromine to maintain clean water.
Interesting Fact About Bromine
What Form(s) Does Bromine Come In And How Do I Use It?
Bromine comes in 1” tablet form and is added to an inline bromine feeder or floater.
Safety Information About Bromine
Check here for safety information about Bromine
Do not add bromine tablets to a feeder that previously contained chlorine tablets as there could be a chemical reaction.