Looking for a quick and easy way to clean your pool filters? Our guide will help you deal with all types of cleaning systems in the most convenient way.
When it comes to cleaning your pool, you can use a variety of methods. However, few people know that it can be done clearly, quickly, and in principle to do it correctly.
Is everything as simple as it seems? Today let's deal with this in more detail, determine the difference in the types of pool filters, and how often they should be cleaned. Let's get started!
Why do I need to clean the pool filter?
The filter is as important as the other equipment in the pool to ensure it is clean and serviceable. Regardless of the type of filtration system installed, it removes large particles such as dirt, hair, and insects from the water, as well as smaller particles like bacteria and pollutants. The filter traps and holds all of these, keeping them out of the pool.
In addition to filtering the chlorine in the water, the filtration process also plays a role in the distribution of chemicals in the pool filling, ensuring safer and more stable aqua.
Note that because your pool filter holds all debris and contaminants, it needs to be cleaned constantly so that they don't just stay in place, but are completely removed from the basin. If you don't make the effort to maintain optimal washing, your filter will become like the filter in a vacuum cleaner, and probably won't work properly.
Types of pool filter

Not all pool filters work the same way. Knowing the different types and their roles is essential to understanding their operation. Here are these three classes of systems:
As you can imagine, a sand filter traps sand and dirt within itself, consisting mainly of grains. It stops small particles and can scrub away larger ones as well. If you have just bought this, ByRossi will tell you how to install it correctly. After that, imperative to be sure the filter is in good operating order and to clean it for the first time.
Cartridge pool filters have pleated surfaces, effectively trapping nutrients and debris. When water flows from the outside of it to the inside, it traps finer particles than the previous type. Their energy consumption is low, and they are also affordable.
Diatomaceous earth is a porous material. Because its canister is similar to a sand filter, this manifold coated with DE powder is called a sand collector. The system uses a quartz screen filter coated with it which is a grid, and pellets of grind grown from diatom algae that purify the water.
How do you clean the filters?
We have prepared step-by-step cleaning instructions for all three types of pool filters. Simply prepare everything you need and carefully examine the following recommendations.
Cleaning a sand filter
- Rinse the filter with plain water for up to 5 minutes;
- Run the pump and set it to "filter" mode;
- Then open the lid of the pump and pour there a cleaner for the sand filter in a special mesh basket, which accumulates all the debris (don’t forget to read in the instructions for the cleaning agent, how much you need to add);
- Turn on the pool pump for a few seconds (about 10–15 seconds) so the cleaner goes directly into the filter;
- Stop the pump and let it all run for a few hours or overnight (at least 8 hours, depending on the size of your pool);
- After the time is up, flush the filter again with water for up to 5 minutes, clearing the filter of accumulated debris and dirt;
- Now you can start the pool cleaning system;
- Finally, use the manometer to make sure that the filter is cleaned properly.
Cleaning a cartridge filter
- Stop the entire filter cleaning system and make sure all the air is out of there;
- Open the filter and remove the cartridge according to the system manual;
- Inspect the element for damage (if there is any, it is worth replacing the cartridge);
- Take a simple garden hose to flush the cartridge, carefully cleaning all the folds at different angles (here you shouldn’t put high-pressure water in the hose, otherwise it could damage the surface of the cartridge and make it work worse);
- If flushing with water didn’t quite help clean the filter to the end, it is better to use a cleaning agent in addition (usually it can be advised by the manufacturers of cartridges);
- Put the cartridge in water with the cleaner, leaving it overnight (or 7-8 hours);
- Check the integrity of the cartridge, and especially the o-ring at the bottom, and if there is no damage, apply o-ring lubricant;
- Flush the cleaning system and seal the ring;
- Put the cartridge back in and turn on the system;
- Use a pressure gauge to make sure the filter is clean.
Cleaning a DE filter
- Flush the cleaning system for 3 to 5 minutes;
- Stop the pump and make sure there is no air left in it;
- Remove the drain plug and wait for all water to drain out;
- Open the reservoir by the filter, taking the manifold from there;
- Flush the reservoir with a garden hose;
- Rinse the collector and its grids separately, removing all debris and dirt (it is also best not to use too much water pressure here);
- Check the manifold for damage (if there is none, go ahead);
- If you see that the water didn't help clean the filter parts completely, use a cleaner according to the manufacturer's instructions;
- Make sure the o-ring in the filter reservoir is intact and apply grease;
- Return the manifold and grids to the tank;
- Make a slurry for this type of filter in an appropriate amount for your pool size;
- Turn on the filter cleaning system and purge all air for 1 minute;
- Place the slurry into the skimmer and allow the system to continue operating as normal.
How often should the filter be cleaned?

Typically, a filter should be cleaned every 1–3 weeks. The best clue to determine whether it has to be washed is by looking at it for clarity, flow, and pressure. If the water appears murky or green, you'll need to clean out your purifier.
Furthermore, if you notice no distinct visual signs, check the pressure gauge. This is a high-precision device designed to measure the water pressure, which allows you to monitor this parameter and take appropriate action.
Every pool filter has a particular limit for the length of time that it can go without washing and still maintain a correct pH balance of the water. Be aware that the efficiency of a basin cleaning system greatly depends on how well it is maintained.
You may have to clean the filter more often or less often, depending on the environmental factors in which you live and the general rules that characterize the pool system.
Now you know that washing your pool filter is easy, don't you? The main thing is to recognize the type of purifiers: sand, cartridge, or diatomaceous. After that, you can start cleaning. Doing it will be important for the purity of the water and the lack of problems with these systems.
Don't forget to check the condition of the machine regularly to make sure it isn’t dirty, and if it becomes soiled, take care of washing it. Or you can simply clean the filter every 1–3 weeks, depending on how often you use your pool and how dirty it gets, keeping it in good working order.