Many areas in the United States are currently under recommendations to shelter in place because of COVID-19. This means we’re going to spend a lot more time at home in our pools or spa.
It might cross your mind to start getting your pool (or spa) ready a little earlier this year. In this post, you’ll find some friendly reminders and useful tips during your stay at home.
Getting Your Pool (or spa) Ready for the Season
Good news, there are no changes here. Test your water (we’re big supporters of checking your water chemistry at Sutro), check your equipment, filter, and water level. Clean out anything that managed to move into your pool while you were away. Adjust your levels as needed, if you have a routine stick with it.
If you usually use bleach to chlorinate your water, you may find that it is in shorter supply – so consider using granular chlorine or pool-specific products to reduce the demand for household chlorine during the next few months at least.
Many pool supply stores may be closed, make sure to call ahead to see if they are open. Also, check if they can organize a sidewalk pickup or even delivery. Remember, even if you love to get to know people, try to refrain and minimize your direct interactions with others. This is not only for your safety but for theirs too!
Maintain Your Distance
Now that your pool (or spa) is ready for the season, your family might be getting pretty excited about BBQs and pool parties. However, you should still consider the guidelines set forth by the CDC and from around the globe.
That, unfortunately (or maybe fortunately in some cases) includes not inviting your neighbor over for the BBQ or a swim on a hot day. I understand that this could be a little painful for some, but I know that this won’t be forever. But for now, for your family and friend’s sake postpone the gatherings even with your relatives from down the street.

Maintaining distance doesn’t mean you have to stop communicating! So you might not be able to meet your friend at your local watering hole for a little while, have a virtual happy hour instead (BYOB)! Your book club can still hold its weekly meeting using web conferencing as well. You’ll have to figure out how your neighbor made those tasty appetizers yourself, but they might share the recipe with you too.
Stay Consistent. Monitor your Water.
It’s important to stay consistent and keep track of your pool or spa. You can liken your water to a household pet, you need to check their bowl daily and make sure you feed them and have pet food on hand. Now you may not have to check your pool every single day, but getting into the habit of spot-checking a few times a week will help out. Monitoring your water can prevent extra trips to the pool store to fix issues from inconsistent maintenance or extra visits from a pool professional.
If it’s a nice sunny day out and you’re daydreaming about spending some time in the pool – so is any algae! So take a few moments, during the nice sunny weather, long rainy days, or dusty windy days, and think about what could be going on in your pool. For the most part, these types of events can lower your sanitizer level faster than an average day. So it doesn’t hurt to take a moment to check if your pool needs to be fed, unfortunately, it won’t come and tell you itself.
Feeling Under the Weather? Don’t Swim!
This has always been a recommendation and it still applies here. Even if it’s a common cold, don’t go swimming until you recover. You’ll enjoy swimming more when feeling 100% and be safer for you and for anyone around you.
Stay Safe
During these tough times, we hope that you are staying safe and with the ones you loved. There is no better way to pass the time then in your pool or spa. Make sure that it’s properly taken care of so you and your family can enjoy some much needed relaxing time today.